Friday, January 9, 2015

"I will" Task Assessment before all assignments

Work with a partner to analyze the task to determine what you will need to do to successfully complete it. Highlight or underline each element or step of the task you need to consider, using a different color for each element. Once you have color coded each element of the task, create an “I will” statement to address what it is you will do to address each element of the prompt.

I will have read ______________________________________
_______________________________________  (yellow)

I will write a/an   ____________________________________________(blue
I will address the question (whether one should ______________________________________). 
I will argue either for or against X___________________  ________________________(or to what extent we should have that expectation). (red) 

I will use evidence from the following texts  _______________________________________________    to support my argument. (green)

I will address the counterarguments. “Others may think that_____________________________________________________________________________________________(black).

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