Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 9–10 reading and content,
choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a
sentence, paragraph, or text; a word’s position or
function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a
word or phrase.
b. Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes
that indicate different meanings or
parts of speech (e.g., analyze, analysis, analytical;
advocate, advocacy) and continue to apply
knowledge of Greek and Latin roots and affixes. c.
Individual Work: Vocabulary
Exam on Act I Romeo and Juliet 5/6
Group work: Team
Vocabulary review
Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched
material under study; explicitly draw on that
preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic
or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas.
Individual Work: Read Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet
Group Work: Complete Packet for Act II of Romeo and Juliet
Plan, memorize and present a recitation (e.g., poem, selection
from a speech or dramatic soliloquy) that: conveys the meaning of the selection
and includes appropriate performance techniques (e.g., tone, rate, voice
modulation) to achieve the desired aesthetic effect. (9th or 10th grade.)
Individual Work: Memorize, Practice, and Recite your
speech on Friday. 5/10. Extra Credit for those who are ready earlier!
Conduct short as well as more sustained
research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or
solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize
multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject
under investigation.
Class Meets In Library Thursday and Friday
Individual Work: Research paper on aspect of
Elizabethan England
Group Work: Peer review Teammates Papers
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